The iMRS Prime PEMF system uses therapeutic, nature-based frequencies that resonate with the body to optimize cell function, replenish cellular energy, initiate healing and regeneration, and balance the body systems. PEMF is not designed to treat or heal any particular disease, it is designed to stimulate and support the natural processes of the body. The approach of low-pulsed PEMF is holistic and therefore also not limited to certain conditions, making ti beneficial for almost everyone from pediatric to geriatric.

When cells are exposed to low frequency, weak, pulsating electromagnetic fields, cellular metabolism and membrane potential are improved through increased ion transfer. This process targets cells in a state of metabolic imbalance or inflammation, returning them to their optimal state and giving the body the energy it needs to heal and regenerate naturally.


PEMF's are absorbed best by a well hydrated body, having a glass of water before and after a session will help to enhance the results. PEMF's penetrate through all material accept metal, please remove keys and belts that have large amounts of metal on them. Jewelry can be left on with no effect.

Comfortable clothing is suggested for a more pleasant experience. Please set any electronic devices away from the mat to ensure your therapeutic frequencies can be absorbed without competing against the radiation form electronic devices.


Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields within the low-frequency and low-intensity range can usually not be sensed by the user. However, some people may feel a slight tingling in their fingers, arms, toes or legs.

Additionally, due to the increase of blood circulation, people may feel warmth inside their body. It is not uncommon for users to fall asleep quickly during a PEMF application due to its balancing, relaxing and calming properties. Once the session is done, slowly sit up before standing up to avoid positional vertigo or light-headedness.


People often feel more grounded with a better sense of well-being after a PEMF session. They may feel more relaxed, or more energized depending on the protocol they are following. Many people notice a reduction in pain in the first few sessions, while some may take longer, making consistency the key to success. Physiological processes in the body that are activated or supported during a session will be measurably improved for 6-8 hours, though the benefits may be felt for much longer, sometimes days. PEMF therapy has a cumulative effect and therefore, the more you use it the faster you will see results. 


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